
  • tipps

    Time management

    Die Aufgabenflut und To-Dos spielend einfach meistern jonglierendes Gehirn Martin Krengel

    What is time management? The ultimate 12 time management tips What means time management or “self management”? The time management definition can differ for different people and contexts – for one it might be a productivity system to get things done, for another it’s all about prioritization or delegation – for many employees, creatives, freelancer or…
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  • tipps

    Concentration, please!

    Das Bild zeigt ein auf dem Kopf im Handstand stehendes Gehirn auf einer Tastatur

    This one question has absorbed my thoughts for a long time: How can I improve my concentration? I had the feeling that I could double my working outcome if I could just focus more. The things I learnt are put together in these 11 concentration tips: Exercises to increase concentration 1: Get in the mood…
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  • tipps

    Email management

    Email Management Tips - how to manage emails and establish a working inbox management

    How to manage email efficiently? One of the cruelest wars we’re involved in nowadays is the „Big Email War„. The biggest victims of the combats with almost 200 billion mails sent daily sure are our time and productivity. Lately London magazines headlined about the „addiction to community“. They showed themselves worried about the trend that scholars too…
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Dr. Martin Krengel

Hi, ich bin Martin,

Schön, dass du hier bist! Ich werde dir helfen, deine Talente zu entfalten und deine Träume und Ziele zu verwirklichen.

Wie wurde ich vom Chaoten zum Zeitmanagement-Experten?

PS: Ich sende dir konkrete Taktiken, mit denen du sofort mehr Struktur in deinen Kopf bekommst:

Perfektes E-Mail-Coaching (gratis)

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